Sunday, March 13, 2005

The Worst Bathroom Graffiti In Charlotte

I honetstly believe that reading was invented soley for the purpose of giving people something to do while they're on the toilet.

Bathroom Graffitti is an art form. It's a thing of beauty. There should be books of collections of it. However, as big of a fan of bathroom graffiti I am, the terrible bathroom graffiti at Charlotte's Brick and Barrell almost singlehandedly ruined an entire genre. Here's a look at the worst bathroom graffitti in Charlotte:

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"Go ASU!!"

I hate to think that I live in a world where a guy is such a big fan of a bunch of kids who play sports for a team all the way across the country for a school he's probably never seen that he felt the need to write about it while he was using the bathroom. Me, I couldn't give a shit about ASU. Rebecca Rojimin could be my girlfriend and play for ASU, and I still probably wouldn't even stop at the game as I flipped through the channels to Deadwood. I'm sure they appreciate your support, but I don't think any of the players are going to be in the Brick and Barrell bathroom to personally experience the inspiration. All I'm saying is that crap like this makes that poem about the guy who left broken-hearted because he came to shit and only farted look like Walt Whitman.

"Wake owns UNC and Duke! Go back to Walmart bitches!"
Alright...I can't make fun of this, because this was obviously written by a guy with chart-topping levels of mental problems. That's the only logical explanation for this. It was either written by him or the guy who was assigned to him by social services to help him pee. Either way, I just want to go on record as saying this is the worst fucking thing ever.

"Doug Whitaker rocks. Scott Hoch rules!!"
Okay, let's analyze the circumstances behind bathroom graffiti in general. I'm pretty sure that whoever writes it doesn't walk into the bathroom with the sole purpose of writing something on the wall. They come in to use the bathroom. Most bathroom graffiti is probably written as an afterthought. The inspiration to write "Doug Whitaker rocks" struck someone while they were urinating, which means that someone was thinking about Doug Whitaker while they had their penis in their hand.

"Charles Marshall Knows Dickheads"
Look...the joke here doesn't revolve around the quality of the character of individuals Charles Marshall knows. Well, it kind of does...I'm not going to waste my time and yours by telling you that "Charles Marshall Knows Dickheads" is the funniest thing ever written, because it is. That sentence is way funnier than any joke I could write about it. The real joke here becomes evident when you look at the picture and note that "Dick" and even "Heads" was added later by someone else. That means that before "Dick" and "Heads" was added, somebody held their junk with one hand and used their other hand to make absolutely sure that every male in the Queen City that stopped here for a piss knew that "Charles Marshall Knows." Why in the fuck would someone write "Charles Marshall Knows" on a bathroom wall?I have no idea who Charles Marshall is, but unless he is working on a formula for a pill that will make my roommate's dog fart less or has sat in on a meeting regarding the possible release of Roadhouse 2, I don't give a fuck what he knows.

Just know that he knows.

Monday, March 07, 2005


While we here at Homemade Fireworks proudly and shamelessly make fun of a lot of things, you’ll never catch us making fun of God. That’s a no-brainer. The guy created nature’s most destructive forces, including dinosaurs, ninjas, and the Predator. If he can do that, he’d have no problem replacing my toilet water with cobras or turning my PSII into a PSI, and I can’t have that. Yep−the Father, the Son, and even the Holy Ghost are all completely off-limits here. That’s why it was so hard for me to think only holy thoughts when some guy handed me this brochure last weekend. Check it out.

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So what does the bible say about sex before marriage? Apparently not enough, which is why I have no idea what the answer is. You know how they have Christian rap groups, skateboard teams, rockers, and other things that are less cool versions of cool things to try to make The Bible more inviting to a younger, hipper audience? You’d get the job done a lot better and save a lot of D.C. Talk t-shirt wearers a lot of ass beatings by just adding more sex. What's the one thing you remember about that movie The Gift? Katie Holmes' breasts. The Gift was an alright thriller and Keanu Reeves even gave the performance of a lifetime, but the only reason any of us sat through it was to see Katie Holmes tits.

Here’s some of the highlights:

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I hate when people blame the media for anything. Why is a TV show using its reach to glorify sex any more wrong than a book that uses its reach to vilifiy it? Beacuase it was written by God? Some people say the same about "Star Wars."

Plus, by the time someone is a teenager they’re not trained by the media that they like sex, they’re trained by hormones that they like sex.

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”Whoremongering” is pretty much the sweetest word I’ve ever heard. It makes me think of that guy Swearingen from Deadwood. That’d be such a rad nickname for a pimp whose gimmick is that he dresses up like a dictator. The Whoremonger. The brochure got big ups for using this word in a sentence, but instantly lost them when it started quoting Bible verses to prove points. I’m not knocking Christians or their beliefs, just their shitty double standards. Why do people who themselves use the word "faith" as a synonym for what they practice when they sit around quoting book passages to each other get pissy when the rest of the world doesn’t validate and accept these very same quotes as facts? Yeah, so according to you The Bible explicitly says I shouldn’t have sex, but I’m sure if I looked hard enough I could find at least three paragraphs in Karch Kiraly’s Championship Volleyball that prove why the Gamecock cheerleaders should be servicing me right now.

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I can’t really argue with this, because I use this exact same argument every Saturday morning to explain to myself why I didn’t get any phone numbers the night before. The difference here is that I’m sure God means it when he says it. For me it’s just kind of a sorry excuse, like when I get scored on in Madden and I’m like, "Dude, my controller wasn’t plugged in all the way.”

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You’re right, and I totally agree, but this doesn’t say anything about mocking his brochures, which I've decided to use this entire article to do.

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Is it a waterslide? I hope it’s a waterslide! Weeeeeeee!

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I’ve never been less compelled to click on a URL than I am with Doesn’t exactly sell the site. You could’ve named your site and I’d have been more compelled to visit it.

You’re more than welcome to click on either of the above links at your own discretion. Only one of them will save you from the horrors of pre-marital sex, however, and I’m not going to tell you which one.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Homemade Fireworks: Tournament Champion Ultimate Edition!

Yeah, it's been a month. Where have we been all this time? Exactly where you thought--on a magical, mysterious journey throughout the reaches of space and time. Our mission: to locate, retrieve, and combine into one Web site the infinite constants of hilarity that caused the cavemen to piss their loincloths and that our robot slave masters will one day exchange around the watercooler when they're not turning us into fuel for their killing machines. While the mission was a success, the universal constants of hilarity apparently involve run-on sentences.

Enough pussyfooting. HF is back, and as you can tell by the new logo, courtesy of Eric Hill (or as he's known in the future: LORD DISTRUCTOR!), it's not fucking around.

And it didn't return alone.

When I meet people who read the site but don't know me in person, they sometimes comment that I'm not as dorky as they thought I'd be. To make sure that never happens again, it is my great pleasure to introduce to you HOMEMADE FIREWORKS...THE BLOG. You can check it out now if you want, but only if you want to see the most anti-climactic debut of anything since "the shockmaster." There's nothing there. But don't later than this time tomorrow, HF The Blog will be a bustling metroplis of mirth and merriment, and it will be updated a lot more than this site.

Speaking of, stop by tomorrow for the first article of Homemade Fireworks: Season II. It has nothing to do with Transformers, and everything to do with sex, both of which are huge draws here.

That is all. As always, feel free to drop a comment or email me.