Wednesday, November 10, 2004


I've spent the last 8 weekends of my life filming a made-for-cable movie called The Feeding. I think mankind owes me a pretty big thanks since at least 7 of those weekends were spent with me inserting various guns into various aliens' mouths and pulling the trigger, and yes, it was the coolest thing I've ever done in my life. I can't even tell you how fun this shoot was--to use the cliche it was a dream come true. What's more, I got to play the badass of the group, which basically amounted to me imitating George Clooney from Dusk Till Dawn. The vibe on the set was awesome. The cast and crew were the coolest group I've ever worked with and every day was a blast. Plus, our two effects guys were pretty big time. This movie is going to absolutely rock your face off, but until then, here's the (very) brief pictoral review.

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The slate from the first day of filming. I don't know why those bottom few lines are blacked out, but I'm sure the government has their reasons. Perhaps they reference communisim.

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One of these guys lives in the backwoods of North Carolina with his hounds and owns a pork rind business. The other is a loose cannon pretty boy who likes bench pressing volkswagens and killing aliens. You decide which is which.

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Pictured Above: Alien buffet, me. What you can't make out is all the rusty torture devices that were hanging from the canopy of this general store, making this place look about one woman skin suit away from being a Silence Of The Lambs set.

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The effects guy's continuity card. You didn't have to get your masters from the university of the obvious to see that the guy in the lower left gets his shit rocked.

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And finally, yeah, that's me covered in dirt and blood, but by this point in the movie my character had broken every horror movie law at least twice, so I kind of deserved it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Mikey, when do we get to see it...I'm talking about the movie by the way.

3:44 PM  
Blogger Mike said...

I just found out we're having a big-screen premier at Spirit Square in Charlotte in March'05. It's mandatory that you all attend. I'll probably have a DVD before that (complete with commentary, deleted scenes, etc), so you know we're having our own premier. I nominate D's house.

In the meantime, you'll just have to stare at my 8 x 10s that you've wallpapered your bedroom ceiling with. I only typed that, by the way, because I assume this comment was left by Kevin.

5:50 PM  

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