Tuesday, October 05, 2004

The First Annual Shock-tober Spectacular Starts...NOW!!!

Much like my biceps, my Halloween celebrations have grown to almost unmanageable levels over the last three years. What started out as a viewing of a single horror movie on Halloween night has evolved into the FIRST ANNUAL HALLOWEEN SHOCKTOBER SPECTACULAR--26 days of murder, mayhem, and movie reviews! And holy shit, this thing will totally eat your children.

THE DEAL: Every night from now until November 1st I'll watch a new horror movie and write a review on it. Movies from the discount bin are stongly favored, and the trend I've noticed is that the movie's production value, level of how serious it takes itself, and number of years after 1989 it came out is usually inversely rated to how much I love it. Through the magic of the Internet, every review will be posted here for your reading pleasure the following day. Don't thank me. Thank Al Gore.

THE GIMMICK: Usually I break out my old favorites and revisit them. This year all 26 movies have to be movies I've never seen before. Bonus points for movies I've never even heard of.

THE SCORING: Last year I logged onto a Web site that scored horror movies using "Jason Hockey Mask" graphics instead of the more traditional stars. Totally stealing this idea, every movie I review will get a score between one and five Jason heads, but since I have no idea how to make this graphic, I will probably just type out how many Jason Heads it would have gotten if I could. For reference purposes, a "one Jason Head" movie is one in which people like Neve Campbell and Jerry O'Connell (who I'd both totally bone) play 25-year-old high school kids who talk about nothing but horror movies and don't realize this is totally annoying except for when I do it. And if you want five Jason Heads, well, your movie damn well better include at least five head explosions or at least have "Rowdy" Roddy Piper in it.

THE FINALE: This Halloween is especially cool because I'm actually starring in a horror movie myself, which will finish shooting right around Halloween. The Shocktober Spectacualr will conclude with a photo retrospective of the entire shoot.

So stop by tomorrow, where I'll instantly break my only rule and start the Shocktober Spectacular off by reviewing "THEY LIVE"



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